A Healthy And Happy Thanksgiving Day For Busy Moms

A healthy and happy Thanksgiving? For us moms, Thanksgiving in particular is a time of high stress. High stress also leads to that stress eating. Not to mention the current 2020 stressors as well! I bet you didn’t think it was possible to still have a holiday season that doesn’t lead to even more weight gain and anxiety. We can definitely healthy up the whole holiday season so you can keep your momentum going on your healthy goals, have fun and still feel awesome in both mind and body.

I’d like to note that in this post I am avoiding completely the topic of how and why we celebrate this holiday — that deserves a whole other conversation. I do encourage you to spend some time reading about how to honor the indigenous culture and people in our history during this time so we, as a country, can begin to reconcile the meaning of this holiday and the truths of the the impact non-indiginous people have had in our history.

Here we will be sticking only to the plentiful foods and family overload we encounter for Thanksgiving. Check it out:

First, let’s begin with my Dos and Don’ts for a great and healthy Turkey (or Tamale) Day:

Don’t starve yourself all day before your Thanksgiving meal.

Do eat lightly during the day. Low sugar, no simple carbs and have small high protein or nutrient dense snacks (ideas in last week’s newsletter - hit me up if you missed it!).

Do indulge and enjoy it!

Don’t drink too much alcohol before the meal starts. Alcohol reduces your reasoning ability so you will be more likely to give yourself bigger portions and eat less mindfully and end up with a FOOD COMA!

Don’t avoid things you love just because “they are unhealthy.”

Do be mindful about your indulgences. If you choose to indulge in an unhealthy favorite, make sure you choose a smaller portion size and really sit and pay attention to enjoying your delicious treat.

Do follow the 3 bite rule. If there is something you really want to eat but you know will make you feel bad either physically or mentally for eating it, allow yourself 3 bites. Bite 1: Taste it and enjoy it. Bite 2: Savor it. Bite 3: Say goodbye. That’s all you need. I’m pretty sure it’s science.

Do drink a glass of water between every cocktail. Bubbly water is a great option because you will sip on it longer and it actually looks and feels like a cocktail!

Do choose one indulging cocktail and then stick to wine or a liquor with no sugary mixer.

And for some delicious Savage tweaks to your feast, try some of my favorite healthy(ier) Thanksgiving swaps!

Sweet Potato Stacks

Shredded Brussel Sprouts with Pancetta

Vegan Green Bean Casserole

And as you wrap that gorgeous brain of yours around a holiday season that doesn’t leave your body feeling stressed, heavy and tired with your liver trying to crawl out of your body, check out these 5 tips for creating the habits and mindset that will get you making healthy choices like it’s your job during the busiest time of year!

Now let’s move on to your activity during the busiest and tastiest time of year:

If you already read the linked post above, you’ll know that starving yourself all day to allow for this feast of feasts is not the best idea to keep you on track. Try eating a bit lighter but don’t go longer than 3 hours between your meals and snacks. Prioritize clean foods that nourish your body when you can, knowing you’ll then be able to have all your faves when it’s time to chow down.

Getting in some extra activity is a great way to go to keep those healthy choices flowing. And not just for a healthy and happy Thanksgiving, but to help balance out all the parties and treats coming at you this season. Even 5 minutes or a walk with friends or family will keep you on track. 5 minutes is better than no minutes! Here’s an awesome and quick workout that will get that heart rate up:


You can do this workout in any space and any small 20 minute chunk of time you can carve out. No equipment needed. Do it twice to make it longer or pause and add 3 minute HIIT intervals after every 3 strength exercises to really torch some calories (see YouTube description for ideas).

If you’re having trouble looking for the time and motivation to get and keep moving through this crazy stressful time of year, check out this post for 3 ways to up your activity and make your workouts happen so you can build the momentum you need to stay on track and still have fun.

(If you want a more intense workout, my FREE Youtube channel has a variety of full length workouts for you busy mamas!)

And let’s not discount the effects of STRESS! Both on your mental health and your waistline:

  1. Meditate: Even a quick 3-5 minute guided meditation will release that negative energy and cultivate the mindfulness you’re looking for. Find meditations on apps like Calm and Headspace (and so many more!) or just sit for a hot minute and focus on your breathing and release your big feelings.

  2. Find a power statement: Take back the power! Because we busy moms don’t often get thanked or complimented, task yourself with the job. Find a statement that affirms the internal and external life you want. Remind yourself that you are amazing. Tell yourself that you are doing a great job. Because you are. “I am strong. I am awesome. And I am capable of making today amazing.”

  3. Make a Ta-Da list: Focus on what your are doing rather than what you aren’t. We all feel like we are dropping so many balls that we forget all the amazing things we do every day. Celebrate that shit, mama! take some time at the end of your day to write down all of your awesomeness.

    Did you muster up a smile and a hug for that sweet little angel that is driving you crazy even while feeling like you wanted to wring his adorable little neck? Great job, mama! Did you get the kids dressed and lunches packed even after losing your mind just a tad? Awesome work keeping your kids warm and fed!

    From grocery shopping, to keeping yourself hydrated, high five yourself as often as you can! Check out my S.Well Points app to celebrate all of the ways you can take care of yourself even on your busiest days!

  4. SLEEP!: Aim for 7-9 hours but even if you can’t get enough (thanks, kids!), at least make it good quality! Keep yourself hydrated while drinking your holiday cocktails, calm down on the sugar before bedtime, turn screens off 30 minutes before your head hits the pillow, and if you’re still having trouble getting or staying asleep, meditate.

Reducing stress reduces the cortisol in our bodies, which is our stress hormone. While we carry that around, it sits in our midsection, making it harder for us to access the visceral fat that also lives there. That is the fat that is unhealthy and can lead to serious help issues.

High cortisol levels also leads to stress or comfort eating. Our bodies respond to stress by needing comfort so it’s a natural response to seek a full belly and reach for high fat foods. Reduce your stress and that willpower you thought you didn’t have will return and you’ll be back in the driver’s seat.

Alright, now you have all the info! So go out there and have an amazing Thanksgiving! Treatyoself, have fun, and make healthy choices when and where you can.

Finally, for all those awkward conversations you may have to work your way through as you float through various family members you only see once a year, here is an awesome approach to keep you thriving and not just surviving amidst the holiday small talk:

Food for Thought:

Cultivating Connection

When it comes to Awkward Uncle Al or Cray Cray Aunt Cindy, making small talk can be a lot of work — especially on a ZOOM call! Here are some tips for engaging in meaningful conversations this week whether at social functions, with family or even on your work zoom calls:

There are some recognized cornerstones to creating meaningful conversation

A man named Julian Treasure created the acronym HAIL to help remind you how to engage and connect with the people around you.

To hail means to greet or acclaim enthusiastically which is a great place to start!!

H is for Honesty - Be straight and clean (absolute honesty is not necessary but when tempered with Love, it’s a wonderful thing!)

A is for Authenticity - Be yourself!!

I is for Integrity - Be someone people can trust (keep the gossip and negative speak out of your conversations)!

L is for Love - wishing people well. When you are truly wishing someone well, you can’t be simultaneously judging them.!

If you try to follow these guidelines, you will eliminate some of the negative and alienating ways people can tend to speak to one another. You will create a comfortable and safe place for the people in your life to feel heard, loved and respected. No matter what cookoo bananas topics they start throwing at you!

I love you all and am so thankful for all of you, my favorite VIPS!

Have a wonderful holiday week for those of you who are celebrating!

(and while I don’t necessarily love the origin story of this holiday, it has become wonderful tradition for celebrating the people you love. So wherever you are in the world, make sure to give your thanks and let the people you love know what they mean to you!)