Weight Loss and Loving Your Body At Any Size (Picking the Diet Plan That's Right For You Part 1)

I know I mention weight loss quite a bit

and those of you who are coming to me to focus on healthy living and feeling awesome vs. a weight loss goal may be wondering, “why the focus on our weight?!”

Well, visceral fat loss goes hand in hand with living a healthier lifestyle. That is the dangerous fats that sit on our organs and lead to a variety of increased health risks.

I am a firm believer that a healthy body is a sexy body at any size and shape. But what we need to confront is the fact that healthying up your routine will absolutely shed unwanted and unhealthy fat. We can keep the beautiful booty and those awesome curves while getting rid of the unhealthy habits and visceral fat that can lead to significant health risks.

With my Savage Mamas™, we work on finding solutions that will allow you to stay consistent so you can keep making healthy choices to reach your healthy living goals - whatever they may be.

So, whether you are looking to specifically shed some unwanted weight, or create a sustainably healthier lifestyle, you need to look for the tools that are right for you.

This is a big reason why my programs are so successful. When you follow a traditional weight loss plan, weight may come off, but you haven’t changed your habits or worked it into your lifestyle so it’s just not sustainable.

Your unwanted weight and unhealthy habits are not the problem, they are a symptom. To get to a final solution, we need to find, address, and solve the problem.

There is so much out there in the word about weight loss. Paleo diets telling us to eat like cavemen will get us lean and svelt (weren’t they eating anything they could find to survive?), keto diets telling us to cut out every single type of carbohydrate to get our bodies to burn our fat, or tracking Weight Watcher’s ever changing point system, or just doing a bunch of cardio!

We start a program, spending money, time, and stress doing what everyone else is doing. Going from one fad diet to the next trying to make it work and feeling like a failure when it doesn’t.

  • Did you hear that Susan, in HR, dropped 30 pounds in 10 days by only drinking bone broth?

  • And then there’s Sharon, one of the moms at the park, who swears by boosting her metabolism with cayenne pepper and lemon juice.

  • Oh! And Frank, who lives next door, says all he did was stop eating pasta and his pants were falling off within a month! 

  • And if you want to keep eating chips and drinking wine, all you have to is get to the gym 5 days a week for 2 hours or join an 80 day shred challenge designed by some 23 year old athlete.

Oh the possibilities to thin out our waistline are seemingly endless! But which one to choose? Where to start?

Well, let’s start by taking a look at these friendly health advocates and see what they’re up to:

  • Frank cutting out pasta and seeing a big effect on his health is probably because he was, that’s right, eating a ton pasta! So, unless you have a place where you can replace an empty source of a majority of the calories in your day with nutrient dense foods, cutting pasta won’t have that same effect for you. For your candy eaters or carb bingers, this may actually work for you! (but let’s also consider sustainability - without addressing WHY you’re consuming so much of one food, it’s likely you (and Frank) will get right back to where you were in no time).

  • And Sharon is probably someone who mindlessly snacks a lot and the low calorie appetite suppressing beverage she is consuming throughout the days is eliminating a ton of calories from her diet. If you have trouble with mindless snacking, consider a similar approach! It doesn’t have to be an exotic tincture, even water (with some fruit added to it for flavor!)

  • And I’m just not sure about Susan… sounds a bit out there and gimmicky. I mean, of COURSE she’ll lose weight if she only drinks broth but that, to me, doesn’t sound very fun (and hopefully she doesn’t develop kidney stones or scurvy!).

  • And let’s just say you don’t get injured or drop out because the workouts are too hard and you make it a few months with TONS of exercise — you will probably have lost some weight, but not as much as you could have if you found a healthy balance with your diet. And often you’ll put in all that work and see no weight loss. But let’s just also say that you do lose weight. Was it the right kind of weight? Are you leaner and healthier? Can you keep that level of exercise up forever? Right…

So do you see where this is headed? Yes, your weight is, in the end, a calorie game. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to count calories. You have to find a new mindset and understanding of what your body needs and how you can nourish it and treat it to the things you love while managing your weight with confidence.

We are all beautiful unique snowflakes, right? So let’s make our healthy lifestyle personal! There is no one size fits all diet.

The weight and unhealthy habits aren’t the issue. They are the symptom. We need to address the problem and solve the root. THAT is how we get healthy in mind and body.

Tired of trying to get healthy only to fall off the wagon hard? Schedule a free consult and let’s find an approach that will work for YOU!

For a thorough review on various diet plans out there, check out this article by Consumer Advocates for a ton of great information.

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Hit me up with any questions and I’m happy to nerd out with you about any of this!

Stay awesome,


Check out Part 2 of Picking the Diet Plan That’s RIght For You here!