
Picking the Diet Plan that's Right for You Part 2

Picking the Diet Plan that's Right for You Part 2

And how do I know all this, you might be asking? Well, it’s part experience working with a huge variety of people and personalities and finding successful approaches for each of them, it’s also part research and reading late into the night about this stuff (Im a huge nerd about healthy living!) and it’s part based on my own experience as I struggled through years of disordered eating and body image issues.

Weight Loss and Loving Your Body At Any Size (Picking the Diet Plan That's Right For You Part 1)

Weight Loss and Loving Your Body At Any Size (Picking the Diet Plan That's Right For You Part 1)

Adapted from an original post in January 2019

I am a firm believer that a healthy body is a sexy body at any size and shape. But what we need to confront is the fact that healthying up your routine will absolutely shed unwanted and unhealthy fat. We can keep the beautiful booty and those awesome curves while getting rid of the unhealthy habits and visceral fat that can lead to significant health risks.

Create the momentum you need to build the healthy lifestyle you want

Create the momentum you need to build the healthy lifestyle you want

Our healthy choices, workout routines, and clean eating can be really overwhelming, especially in the beginning. Often times we can't even find a way to start while sometimes we can make a plan for a week or two to get right back to where we were getting to classes again, meal prepping, waking up early for our magic mornings... but then a slight breeze (or lack there of) knocks the wind out of our sails and we fall back into a routine full of quick and junky meals and skipped workouts. Learn more about creating momentum to keep you moving through the ups and downs of #momlife

What Is Intuitive Eating and How Can It Help Me?

What Is Intuitive Eating and How Can It Help Me?

If you're someone who's on Social Media and follows anything to do with the health and wellness industry, you've probably heard of Intuitive Eating. It's a pretty buzzy topic lately so I thought I'd take some time to give you the low-down on Intuitive Eating AND how it relates to what we Savages do (same same but different).

Be Proud and Start Seeing Results: 3 Ways to Celebrate Yourself Today

Be Proud and Start Seeing Results: 3 Ways to Celebrate Yourself Today

Pride gets a bad wrap these days. I get it. It can really stand in the way of meaningful interactions, trying new things and personal growth and development. But I want to talk about pride in a different context.

5 Tips for Managing Stress (And Your Waistline) Through the Holidays

5 Tips for Managing Stress (And Your Waistline) Through the Holidays

The holidays are awesome. And LOOOOOOONG. But also awesome! And stressful…

Here are my best tips for helping you stay calm and present through the holidays and keep that waistline in check (without asking you to cut the booze - I mean, I wouldn’t even dare - although that would help - just sayin’).

My Newest (Not So) Secret to Success! (hint: It's probably not what you think...)

My Newest (Not So) Secret to Success! (hint: It's probably not what you think...)

Feeling good, being confident, decreasing our stress, increasing mindfulness and being present are all part of a healthy life. It’s important to prioritize you, too! Read more for some ideas on how to make sure you are THRIVING!

The Savage Six: 6 Essential Daily Wellness Tips for Moms (PLUS Free Accountability Board!)

The Savage Six: 6 Essential Daily Wellness Tips for Moms (PLUS Free Accountability Board!)

These are the 6 things I have decided are crucial to your success at living a healthy lifestyle. Check them out and let me know your thoughts!

5 Tips for Healthier, More Restful Sleep

5 Tips for Healthier, More Restful Sleep

We all know sleep is good for us but HOW can we make it happen and make it GOOD?! Click here to read my tips and tools for healthier (and more!) sleep!

Healthy Mindset Shifts to Create Your Best Life

Healthy Mindset Shifts to Create Your Best Life

Keep getting derailed? Feeling like a failure when you are putting in so much effort? Check out this post to help give insight into a new mental approach to your weight loss goals.

How to Identify and Heal Diastasis Recti

How to Identify and Heal Diastasis Recti

Let's talk about Diastasis Recti:

Diastasis Recti is a pretty common condition that can occur during pregnancy, after birth, or can even be caused by rapid weight gain or a large amount of visceral fat. The right and left sides of the Rectus Abdominis (what you know as your abs) muscle spread apart at the body’s midline causing a gap of 2 or more finger widths apart. This interrupts the integrity of the abdominal muscles.  

My Atypical Post-Partum Depression Journey

My Atypical Post-Partum Depression Journey

Post-partum depression doesn’t look the same for everyone! It took me two years to figure out I wasn’t failing, I was depressed. Read more for my story!