4 Ways to Re-Fill Your Empty Cup as a Busy Pandemic Mom

Whew, ok so here's some real talk for you... I hit a wall this weekend.

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Or it was more like I suddenly realized my soul cup was completely empty, like with dried up residue stuck at the bottom because it had been sitting empty for days -- maybe even weeks.

I realized all mamas may be running on a bit less in their cups than normal these days because moms are rock stars of giving and loving. And with all the changes and bodies at home, we are in care overdrive.

If you're anything like me, you don't recognize your cup is draining until it's too late and you're a puddle of tears and self pity

Mama’s cuddled up, ignoring the dirty laundry and guilt that I should be joining the fun and games, and getting a little me-time (even if only a few feet away)

Mama’s cuddled up, ignoring the dirty laundry and guilt that I should be joining the fun and games, and getting a little me-time (even if only a few feet away)

So yesterday, as I cried and tried to figure out why, I sat and listened to my needs for realz and made a plan to revive myself.

I thought I'd share my strategy so you can take a mo and maybe catch yourself before you implode:

1. Check in with yourself

when you feel some anxiety or negativity creeping in. What is one thing you can do to feel better in that moment. Is there a pattern causing this feeling that you could get ahead of?

2. Figure out the mental block that has been stopping you

from taking action on throwing yourself some compassion and giving yourself some time. Why are you telling yourself you can't prioritize your health and happiness when you're feeling it slipping?

3. Listen to yourself and follow your heart.

For example, I realized one thing that fills my cup is YOU. This community that has been with me for years and this Mama Mecca that is transforming because of YOU! So, I decided to change my mind. I will be keeping the Mama Mecca free. For always and everyone. Your messages fill me up and watching you show up to prioritize your health and happiness inspires me. We all need this. And it's ok to change my mind. So I did.

4. Make a list of the things that fill your cup

and replenish your energy so you can easily draw on one when you need it. Sitting and reading a book? A Zoom call with friends? If you're not sure, some things that always help are: getting outside and going for a walk, meditating, and stretching and connecting with your beautiful body. Check out my favorite new additions to the Mama Mecca below that help me rejuvenate!

Stay awesome and sane in there!


My fave newest additions to the Mama Mecca:

Perfect for filling your cup! Marla Marvis Hartmann -- Reconnecting with Your Body and Frances from Happy Healthy Yoga's Sun Salutation Practice linked here for you to check out .