4 tips for getting in your healthy habits as the world is in panic mode

Whether you've stockpiled your garage with TP or are merely keeping an eye on the news and sanitizing your hands more frequently, we're all becoming at least a bit more mindful of avoiding the germs around us.

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While this post is all about helping you create your own plan, I’ll just point. out that with my new menu of online fitness, nutrition, and wellness programs and my 1:1 coaching packages, any germ-ridden excuses for not getting even just tad more active during your days can be eliminated, now that we’ve locked ourselves in while also having the kids home from school. And with my 6 weeks to Savage Mama™ online course, I also have free video coaching sessions to help you nail down a plan to use it. All done on your own time and at your own pace.

But don’t worry, I also have a lot of FREE stuff, too on my Youtube Channel and Instagram, so how about instead of putting our heads down and ourselves on the back burner and just “getting through it” (and worrying about your healthy lifestyle later), we take some small actions now that, as we Savages know, will add up to big results when done consistently. Boom! Healthy home-bound mamas.

  1. Find even 5 minutes a day to get in a workout or stretching. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel for some of my favorite workouts designed specifically for busy moms. Remember, 5 minutes is better than no minutes, so if you can't get in a full workout, just start one and do as much as you can get through!

  2. Stop ordering in. Order your groceries online and cook at home. Even family friendly recipes are healthier than a delivered meal from most restaurants (not to mention the expense!). One step better: stay away from the uber processed foods - white grains, preservatives, and food dyes, especially.

    I know we all don't live somewhere with grocery delivery, so make a list and meal prep so you don't have to go out to the store as much! If you need help, purchase my meal plan or subscribe to the Ends and Stems family dinners meal planning app here! Both come with a grocery list and simple recipes to keep you healthy!

  3. Find a hot minute for yourself. Many of us are at home, some have had their offices close, and some others have had their schools close. That is a lot of time spent with the people you love*

    Sometimes we love so hard that we put everything into the people around us and forget about the time needed for ourselves. But to keep our mental and physical health (not to mention to keep us from reaching that good ol' breaking point we've come to know), let's carve out some time to breathe: A quick meditation in the car or bathroom, journaling about everything you are proud of doing that day before bed, or even just reading a book or magazine. MAKE IT HAPPEN.

  4. Create your power statement. Address the sh!t that's making you anxious (everything nowadays, ammiright??), and find a power statement to take back control.

Stay panic free and don't forget to get out and breathe some fresh air! Just because you're staying away from germs, doesn't mean you need to stay inside!!

Stay Awesome,


PS. Sugar got ahold of you with all the stress? check out this post on Managing Your Sugar Cravings.